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Hey There

  I'm Tracey Dabney & pleased to meet you. It's not an accident that you landed on this page.  We may have met at the salon, a networking event, you were curious about essential oils & how I infused them into every element of your salon visit as well as my luxury beauty products.  Whatever the reason, I'm happy to share how I was introduced to essential oils  & how they have changed my life.

Referral Code: 10329143


How I discovered the power of essential oils

I learned about essential oils when I was about 10 years old. They would sell them at the local flea market, beauty supply stores & one of my friend's Mom would wear it as perfume. I've always had special affinity for natural things like incenses, oils, homemade skin care products & family beauty secrets.


In 2010, I went through a full mind, body & spiritual transformation, shedding 61 pounds. During that time, I focused on a deeper connection with GOD, myself, my passion & my purpose.  It was one of the hardest & most pivotal moments of my life.   This was a 6-month period of praying & fasting from 6am-6pm, during the early weeks I was led to this scripture: 


Genesis 1:11-12 (NIV)

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.


 It all started In Gensis, right from the very beginning of the creation story, plants and herbs are mentioned. Plants are not only fundamental for our planet, but they are also intimately tied to the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of people since the beginning time.

I was searching for natural ways to clear & calm my mind, fight my food craving & bring me closer to discovering my purpose. This was essential because isolation, limited food intake & a spiritual awaken was an emotional roller-coaster.  At this point I started to use essential oils every day to elevate my life.

Referral Code: 10329143

How I learned about Young Living essential oils.

In 2016, I had a faulty back massage that led me to not being able to walk properly for two days. I laid in bed with excruciating pain. Medicine did not relieve the pain, stretching and yoga was all too painful. I even tried sleeping flat on the floor and using muscle relaxers, but nothing helped. I reached out to a local chiropractor to relieve the pain. I explained to her that I don't like pain medicines as a first choice and prefer to take a natural approach to manage this pain. She gave me an adjustment & massage, which helped but she also suggested these Young Living (YL) essential oils. I told her that I have essential oils already, she reassured me the oils I had were no comparison to the pure, organic & powerful oils of Young Living. She connected me with a woman named Heather (now my friend) and she told me she could help me get started with learning more about Young Living essential oils.  Heather was very instrumental in my knowledge about the "Young Living Difference" and how I could infuse them into my beauty service and products.   Also, she was a nurse, so I really valued her perspective which was based on facts & science.  She gave me some recommendations & samples. I did my own research too.  What I loved about YL is their Seed to Seal® quality commitment that serves our planet and ensures the highest quality standards. Click here to learn more about the seed to Seal.


After 1 month of using her samples, I was sold on the power of Young Living oils. I was able to regain my focus, full range of motion in my body, clear skin, better digestion & creativity.  That's just a few benefits, trust me there are thousands more (ask google). Fast forward today I have over 250+ essential oil products in my home ( click here to see some of my collection. I use them in the salon & on my clients daily.  Click here to learn more about my specialty service TATS & how it has transformed my guest experience, which has also transformed my clients. I don't know a life without Young Living essential oils, it's one of the best investments I've ever made.


(Disclaimer: Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have health issues always seek a medical professional before using essential oils. 

Referral Code: 10329143

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Mount Juliet TN, 37122

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